This episode stars Kathryn Haueisen (Mayflower Chronicles: A Tale of Two Cultures). It was recorded over the Zoom (because that's the thing for now, and maybe forever if we all don't start wearing masks) between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL (as everything will be now, because again, the mask thing, and because that's the thing for the foreseeable future anyway) and (the home of the cheating Astros) Houston, TX in October 2020. 

Direct download: Haueisen.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:11pm CST

This episode stars Matthew Salesses (The Hundred Year Flood, Disappear Doppelgänger Disappear). It was recorded over the Zoom (because that's the thing for now, and maybe forever if we all don't start wearing masks) between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL (as everything will be now, because again, the mask thing, and because that's the thing for the foreseeable future anyway) and the wilds of Iowa in September 2020. 

Direct download: Salesses.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:40am CST





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