Stabbed In The Back was published as part of the short story collection After the Flood, which was released by CCLaP in 2014. The collection represents Part Three of the linked short story collection UPSTATE re-released in 2020 by Tortoise Books (and originally released under the title The New York Stories by CCLaP in 2015).

Stabbed In The Back is read by Leesa Cross-Smith (BIO below).

INTRO/OUTRO music is Drinking of Me and was generously provided by Monkey Wrench.

Leesa Cross-Smith is a homemaker and the author of half a dozen books: Every Kiss A War, Whiskey & Ribbons, So We Can Glow, This Close To Okay, Half-Blown Rose, and the forthcoming Goodbye Earl. She lives in Kentucky with her high school sweetheart husband and their two teenagers.

Direct download: StabbedInTheBack_UPSTATEThePodcast_CrossSmith_FINAL.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:25pm CST

This episode stars Paul Lamb (One-Match Fire). It was recorded over the Zoom between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL and Lamb's home (albeit, and sadly, not his cabin) somewhere in the greater Kansas City area (which is yes, home to the recent Super Bowl winning Chiefs) in December 2022.

Direct download: Lamb_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife_FINAL.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:23pm CST

How It Works was published as part of the short story collection After the Flood, which was released by CCLaP in 2014. The collection represents Part Three of the linked short story collection UPSTATE re-released in 2020 by Tortoise Books (and originally released under the title The New York Stories by CCLaP in 2015).

How It Works is read by Leland Cheuk (BIO below).

INTRO/OUTRO music is Drinking of Me and was generously provided by Monkey Wrench.

Leland Cheuk is an award-winning author of three books of fiction, most recently NO GOOD VERY BAD ASIAN. Cheuk’s work has appeared in publications such as NPR, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, Salon, among other outlets. He’s been awarded fellowships at MacDowell, Hawthornden Castle, Djerassi, and elsewhere. He is the founder of the indie press 7.13 Books and lives in Los Angeles. You can follow him on Twitter @lcheuk and at

Direct download: HowItWorks_UPSTATEThePodcast_Cheuk_FINAL.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:32pm CST

This episode stars Daniel Nester (Harsh Realm: My 1990s, Shader, The Incredible Sestina Anthology). It was recorded over the Zoom between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL and Nester's home in New York state's greater Capital Region in December 2022.

Direct download: Nester_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:09pm CST

No Nothing was published as part of the short story collection So Different Now, which was released by CCLaP in 2011. The collection represents Part Two of the linked short story collection UPSTATE re-released in 2020 by Tortoise Books (and originally released under the title The New York Stories by CCLaP in 2015).

No Nothing is read by Ryan W. Bradley (BIO below).

INTRO/OUTRO music is Drinking of Me and was generously provided by Monkey Wrench.

Ryan W. Bradley is a sometimes writer/artist and a full-time Marketing Manager for a 15-branch library system. He has written too many books and abandoned just the right amount.

Direct download: NoNothing_UPSTATEThePodcast_Bradley_FINAL.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:08pm CST





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