Shooting Stick was published as part of the short story collection Repetition Patterns, which was released by CCLaP in 2008. The collection represents Part One of the linked short story collection UPSTATE re-released in 2020 by Tortoise Books (and originally released under the title The New York Stories by CCLaP in 2015).

Shooting Stick is read by Hosho McCreesh (BIO below).

INTRO/OUTRO music is Drinking of Me and was generously provided by Monkey Wrench.

Hosho McCreesh is currently writing, painting, & making stuff in the gypsum & caliche badlands of the American Southwest. His work has appeared widely in print, audio, & online.

Direct download: ShootingStick_UPSTATEThePodcast_McCreesh_FINAL.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:58am CST

Life As He Had Known It was published as part of the short story collection Repetition Patterns, which was released by CCLaP in 2008. The collection represents Part One of the linked short story collection UPSTATE re-released in 2020 by Tortoise Books (and originally released under the title The New York Stories by CCLaP in 2015).

Life As He Had Known It is read by Alice Kaltman (BIO below).

INTRO/OUTRO music is Drinking of Me and was generously provided by Monkey Wrench.

Alice Kaltman is the author of the story collection STAGGERWING, the novels WAVEHOUSE, THE TANTALIZING TALE OF GRACE MINNAUGH, and DAWG TOWNE. Her newest book ALMOST DEADLY, ALMOST GOOD,  a linked collection based on the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues, is out November 22, 2022. Alice's words appear in journals like Lost Balloon, The Pinch, Joyland, Hobart and BULL, and in numerous anthologies. She's not thrilled by the sound of her own voice, but you might like it. If so, you can hear her read her work at Micro Podcasts, Elevator Stories, and No Contact. Alice splits her time between Brooklyn and Montauk, NY where she lives, surfs, and swims with her husband the sculptor Daniel Wiener and Ollie the Wonder Dog.

Direct download: LifeAsHeHadKnownIt_UPSTATEThePodcast_Kaltman.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:07pm CST

This episode stars Jackson Bliss (Dream Pop Origami, Counterfactual Love Stories, Amnesia of June Bugs). It was recorded over the Zoom between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL and Bliss' home in the City of Angels in September 2022.

Direct download: Bliss_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:26pm CST

Pac-Man Fever was published as part of the short story collection Repetition Patterns, which was released by CCLaP in 2008. The collection represents Part One of the linked short story collection UPSTATE re-released in 2020 by Tortoise Books (and originally released under the title The New York Stories by CCLaP in 2015).

Pac-Man Fever is read by Mark R. Brand (BIO below).

INTRO/OUTRO music is Drinking of Me and was generously provided by Monkey Wrench.

Mark R. Brand is a Chicago-based fiction writer and English professor. His work includes both creative and critical writing and his courses have won awards for their focus on digital literacies as well as incorporating video games as texts and tackling subjects like virtual reality, augmented reality, and atmospheric media. His previous novels and fiction collections include Life After Sleep, The Damnation of Memory, and Long Live Us, and he is currently working on a nonfiction book examining narratives of parenting in the Great Recession.

Direct download: PacManFever_UPSTATEThePodcast_Brand_FINAL.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:47pm CST

Change Of Plans was published as part of the short story collection Repetition Patterns, which was released by CCLaP in 2008. The collection represents Part One of the linked short story collection UPSTATE re-released in 2020 by Tortoise Books (and originally released under the title The New York Stories by CCLaP in 2015).

Change Of Plans is read by Christopher Bowen (BIO below).

INTRO/OUTRO music is Drinking of Me and was generously provided by Monkey Wrench.

Christopher Bowen is the author of the chapbook We Were Giants, the novella When I Return to You, I Will Be Unfed, and the non-fiction Debt. He was a semi-finalist in the 2017 Faulkner-Wisdom Novella Competition and honorable mention in the 45th New Millennium Writing Awards in the non-fiction category.

Direct download: ChangeOfPlans_UPSTATEThePodcast_Bowen_FINAL.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:48pm CST

This episode stars former (and forever) guest Giano Cromley (The Prince of Infinite Space, What We Build Upon the Ruins, The Last Good Halloween). It was recorded live and on a walk along Division Street in Chicago, IL that started and concluded at Rite Liquors in September 2022.

Direct download: Cromley_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife_2022After_conversion.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:43pm CST





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