This episode stars Robert Tomaino (New Madrid). It was recorded over the Zoom between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL and Tomaino's home, which is not out west, but east (east of the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio anyway) in Connecticut in October 2021. 

Direct download: Tomaino_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:51pm CST

This episode stars Maria Price (Love You Still). It was recorded over the Zoom between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL and Price's home in the Hawkeye State otherwise known as Iowa in October 2021. 

Direct download: Price_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:52am CST

This episode stars Christina Beauchemin (Let My Legacy Be Love: A Shortcut to Self-Loving). It was recorded over the Zoom between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL and Beauchemin's home in the glory that is upstate New York in September 2021. 

Direct download: Beauchemin_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:38pm CST

This episode stars Trish McDonald (Paper Bags). It was recorded over the Zoom between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL and McDonald's home in South Florida (which is not so terribly far really from where Hemingway wrote) in September 2021. 

Direct download: McDonald_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:39pm CST

This episode stars D.W. Hogan (Unbroken Bonds). It was recorded, wait for on the streets of Chicago in June 2021 and marks both the first live episode since before the pandemic began, but the first walk and talk posting since the way back.*

*Please enjoy the return of street noise and random ambient scuzz.


Direct download: Hogan_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:15pm CST

This episode stars Elizabeth B. Splaine (Swan Song Devil's Grace, Blind Order). It was recorded over the Zoom between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL and Splaine's home in the state of mind also known as Rhode Island in September 2021. 

Direct download: Splaine_SwanSong_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:25pm CST

This episode stars Alisha Bashaw (Four Eyes: A Memoir of a Millenial Caregiver). It was recorded over the Zoom between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL and Bashaw's home in the glorious state (and state of being) that is Colorado in August 2021.

Direct download: Bashaw_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:10pm CST





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