This episode stars James Tate Hill (Blind Man's Bluff). It was recorded over the Zoom between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL and Hill's home in North Carolina (which just may be our very first discussion originated from there) in October 2021. 

Direct download: Hill_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:15pm CST

This episode stars Joanna C. Valente (A Love Story, Yes, Poetry, Luna Luna Magazine). It was recorded over the Zoom between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL and Valente's home in New York (not Yonkers sadly) in September 2021. 

Direct download: Valente_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:01pm CST

This episode stars Avner Landes (Meiselman: The Lean Years). It was recorded over the Zoom between the This Podcast Will Change Your Life home studio in Chicago, IL (and Landes' former hometown, sort of), and Landes' current home in Tel Aviv (yes, that Tel Aviv) in August 2021. 

Direct download: Landes_ThisPodcastWillChangeYourLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:16am CST





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